with water pressure and a garnet abrasive powder (when needed)
Power: 50000 psi
Cutting Area: 3000 x 1500mm
Cutting beam width: 0.8 - 1.0 mm
Max thicknesses: 150mm thick steel has been cut, along with granite, sandstone, glass, rubber, brass, copper and the list goes on.
CNC Router

Our Multicam router can cut a
variety of materials that are unsuitable for laser cutting
including Foamex, Polystyrene Foam and ACM panel. It can also be used
to do recesses and V-groove panels, and produce a smooth edge on
brass and aluminium using its coolant misting head.
Cutting Area: 3600 x 1800mm
Cutting path width is the diameter of tool being used.
Max thicknesses: 50mm polystyrene foam
Laser Engraver

Used for surface marking a range of materials incl. timber, metallex,
glass, mirror and black surface marking stainless steel.
Power: 60 W
Cutting Area: 960 x 610mm
Cutting beam width: 0.2mm